About this Program

该计划旨在提供对能源工程的理解,以及能源工程师在解决日益增长的能源需求方面日益重要的作用. 在课堂上发展的新技能和高级理解将为学生在快速发展的能源行业就业做好准备. 完成证书的学生将对能源问题和系统的现状有一个了解, 和ir management; learn about varying energy resources and technologies, such as petroleum, 煤炭, 天然气, 核, 太阳能, 生物质, hydro-electric, and wind; be exposed to technical details on existing 商业 processes and associated economics of various energy products; gain a better understanding of public policies to provide greater momentum to the energy industry; learn about the environmental impacts of the various energy systems; get credits for future studies in energy engineering in the Hampton Roads region; and acquire the skills and knowledge to be a part of the expert workforce for the energy industry.

Program Highlights

  • 使参与者能够学习分析网络安全风险所需的最先进技术, 防止, 通过课堂指导和动手实验室工作来检测和恢复网络攻击.

  • Accommodates students from engineering, math and sciences as well as practicing engineers and managers.

  • 该计划旨在为攻读研究生学位的学生和从事工业信息和网络系统工作的人员提供补充, small businesses, 医疗保健, 政府, military and homeland security.

  • 预计学生将在2个学期(全日制入学)或2年(兼职入学或工作以补充现有的研究生课程)完成该课程。.

Degree Earned
Delivery Modes


Check out these ideas from ODU Career Development 服务sOccupational Information Network (O*NET). 中位数工资是人们通常收入的中间值——一半的受访者收入高于中位数工资, and half earned below.

Energy Engineers

$99,310 工资中位数

设计, 开发, 或评估能源相关的项目或计划,以减少能源成本或提高能源效率的设计, 建筑, or remodeling stages of construction. May specialize in electrical systems; heating, 通风, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems; green 建筑s; lighting; air quality; or energy procurement.

Solar Energy Systems Engineers

$99,310 工资中位数

对涉及住宅的能源效率和太阳能项目进行具体的工程分析或评估, 商业, or industrial customers. 为新建和现有建筑设计太阳能家用热水和空间供暖系统, applying knowledge of structural energy requirements, local climates, 太阳能 technology, 和rmodynamics.

Energy Auditors

$75,740 工资中位数

对建筑物、建筑系统或过程系统进行能源审计. 是否也可以对建筑物或系统进行投资级审计.

Wind Energy Project Managers

$113,180 工资中位数

领导或管理潜在风能商业机会的开发和评估, including environmental studies, 允许, 和建议. May also manage construction of projects.


进入高级工程-能源系统证书课程的学生应该满足大学的最低入学要求 研究生 入学.
  • 工程领域的理学学士学位(或同等学历)或其他相关STEM领域的本科学位

  • 非工程领域申请者的先决条件包括大学水平的数学, calculus-based physics, and chemistry or biology

  • 有兴趣申请证书课程的同学请下载 Application Form (pdf), complete it, and submit via email to Dr. Sandeep Kumar


Estimated rates for the 2023-24 academic year. Rates are subject to change. 任何目前不是弗吉尼亚州居民的人都将被收取非居民费率. That includes international students.

Virginia Resident
成本 Per-Credit $599
成本 Per-Credit $623
成本 Per-Credit $1,439


Here are a few ways for you to save on the cost of attending ODU. For more information visit University Student Financial aid
